From 11. - 15. March 2019 a team of Experts came from Germany to Assess 15 Participants of our ToT program (Training of Trainers) . During the past 4 years we had several trainings at RTC for Woodtechnology Teachers & Incompany Trainers. Those Trainings were sponsored by GIZ and conducted in collaboration with RTC Staff.
For each training a german expert was invited.
Now in the end of this training circle, RTC and its German Partners from Fingerhaus & BuBiZa Kassel organized an asessment, recognized by our international partners and national institutions like Rwanda Polytech & STECOMA (Rwandan Construction Society). For this Assessment once again GIZ was ready to support us.
During the 4 days of Assessment, after 1 day of preparation, the Participants have to proof their competence in Theory, Practice & also in Teaching.
The Certificates of the training will be submitted during our Graduation Ceremony on 23. March 2019.